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a life
Thy' Ladies
The full name is Tiffany Kim.
A mix of Korean-Chinese-Japanese.
Sixteen this year.
I get older every 6th May.
Pink and Black is ♥
Inhabited in Institut Le Rosey.
Single; Complicated

The full name is Stacy Kwon.
A mix of Korean-Chinese-Japanese.
Sixteen this year.
I get older every 21st May.
Blue and Black is ♥
Inhabited in Institut Le Rosey.
Single; Carefree

The full name is Cloe Ahn.
A mix of Korean-Chinese.
Sixteen this year.
I get older every 31st May.
Orange and Purple is ♥
Inhabited in Institut Le Rosey.
Single; Over it!

The full name is Danielle Mikey James.
Just pure French
this year.
I get older every 7th July.
Black and Silver is♥
Inhabited in Institut Le Rosey.
Attached; Happy

for these
Wants & Wishes
Wish for Peace, Love & Joy; Cliche?
Wish for Everyone to be happy
Wish for Black Nokia E72
Wish for F21 Metal Frame Wallet
I want Cake, Candy, Chocolate.!

Speak Up

thank you note
Designer: Shaddie/Pamela

Sing to me

April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010

Trying To Forget You.

but it's near to impossible.

Saturday, February 13, 2010
4:11 AM
Hello. (L)
Its been so so long since I've blogged.
So sorry! >.< We've all been busy. School's really out to torture students.
Hahaha. Anyways, I wonder how have everyone been.
For once I am online but all the people I want to talk to are not online. D:
Sigh. I guess everyone has reunion dinners to attend. Since its the Chinese New years.
Plus all my friends are off for their Korean Lunar New Year! 새해 복 많이 받으세요!!! :D

I realized no one tags. D: Its sad, ain't it. I don't feel the love. LOL.
I honestly don't know what to blog about. Uhmm...
I was suppose to go back to Korea to greet my Grandparents but well, my almighty parents are busy. With work. On New Years.
Grandmother must be so disappointed. But honestly, I am quite glad I don't have to go to greet them. Meeting Mother and Father is already torturing enough, I still have to listen to the whole " YuMi ahh, why did you choose to go to boarding school? Isn't school in Korea or LA good for you? Like this, your parents will be able to look after you. " speech from Grandmother. I love my Grandmother alright, but she should get to know her daughter more. Take care of me? Please. We meet at the most once evey 2 weeks when I was living in LA with them. Geez.

I am happy to celebrate New Years with everyone else here. :D Stacy hun had to go back to Korea to greet her relatives but she declined using Cello exams as excuse. She did this for me. =X Thank you so much dear. Cloe and Joyce too. Sometimes, I really thank God for girls like these. Mikey don't celebrate Lunar New Year so she... stays! Haha!

Ian oppa is somewhere around the globe with his family doing his greetings for Lunar New Year. Dum dum dum dum... Miss you lots! (L) I want to meet up again oppa! MAKE TIME! Tsk. D:

OHOHOH! Rainie & Brian, how are you guys over at Singapore. If you see this please tag alright? I am so sorry for not coming online for so long! >.< I feel so mean. Forgive me? ....please?

Shawn has been tutoring me french lit. Thank the high heavens for him! :D If not, I would have most probably gotten like a big fat F or something. Really thank you Shawn for being so patient with explaining everything to me. I am total fail at French. =X

Ok, abrupt? I know. But here comes pictures.

Tiffany. Stacy.

For some weird reason. I really like this picture.

Nicole sissy snipped off her hair!!

Me seeing Nicole for the first time after her hair became short.

This white dress is what I wore on Winter Formal.


You, can you please stop all the drinking?
All the fooling around?
It hurts. Me. Alot.
Do you understand no matter how things turn out you are like my support.
If the support falls, the person falls.
And I am falling.

With lots of love,

Thursday, December 31, 2009
3:55 AM
Hello :D Its Tiffany here. Again, I know. >.<
You can't blame me since the other girls are so "occupied". Heehees. xP
Since I'd still like to consider it Christmas, wish y'all Merry Christmas!
There are 12 days of Christmas afterall. Hohoho!
How was everyone's Christmas? Mine was great since I was with my friends and all.

And there was the winter formal.
Would really like to post some of those pictures.... but... being a klutz the girls and I were in such hurry (since we were almost late) and we didn't manage to get any photos taken.
Sobs. T^T
If i manage to get any from my other friends I will post them up. :D

Christmas eve was alright, we had the winter formal.
And then we girls, had a heart to heart talk till really late.
(L) you all. No matter what troubles, we face them together.

For Christmas, the girls and I woke up extra early like at 6am to sneak to the guys' dorm to pass them their presents. Hahas.
But just as we've expected, they were dead asleep. Kind of drunk, maybe?
Ian oppa, the super light sleeper who was crashing at Shawn's room got woken up by our giggling. xP Sorry oppa!
Told Ian oppa to get back sleeping while we fussed around their room (tripping over Ian oppa several times, since he was kind of lying on the floor), trying to find somewhere to put the presents.
And we went over to Jonny and RMK's room and did the same.
Though this time it was so much easier since they slept like a log. It was hilarious. LOL.

After that, the girls gathered and got back to our room.
Girls, well meaning Stacy, Joyce, Cloe, Mikey and I.
And we prepared breakfast since we didn't feel like having breakfast at the cafeteria on Christmas.
Stacy started tossing us some salad, Cloe and Mikey were in charge of eggnog making and heating up some danishes and muffins.
Stacy was making some omelets and sausages.
Joyce and I were setting up the table and also Helped around with the eggnog and stuffs.
And walked over to wake the guys up for breakfast, since calling them seems useless.
After some 15 mins of knocking of doors, dragging people off beds, tickling people.
They, at last, wakes up. Washed up and Changed and met Joyce and I at their dorm lobby. Walked over to the girls' dormitory and started breakfast. :D

Okok, Pictures says a thousand words. So pictures of breakfast us girls made. Which is rare that ALL of us woke up to make breakfast. Since most of the time we wake up at different times with different class schedules.

Ok, Random picture of Stacy who walked off halfway during the omelet making to play us some Christmas songs.

First sandwich made that morning. Joyce made it. :D

Almost complete set of breakfast.
That is the girls'! :D

This is the almost complete set for the guys.

We gobbled down breakfast while talking and singing Christmas songs randomly. LOL.
And we have our Miss Random of that morning, Miss Cloe Ahn. :D ( Was not surprised. LOL. )

And then we headed to meet some other classmates for Christmas parties they hosted.
Had loads of fun. Played Twister and had a great laugh at Mikey's really cute body movements.
Had lunch and continued playing games and such. Had this really cool Piano battle between Stacy and Elaine. And we exchanged presents. :D Jonny and co. played us some songs too.

After that, Stacy, Joyce, Mikey, Cloe, Jonny, Slimy, Ian, Shawn, Rmk and I went off and headed to our respective dorms to grab our coats and stuffs and met to go out. Which is really awesome. Since the school's so icky about us going out. But well, its Christmas. :D And all of us met up with our other friends, Samantha, Natalie and Rachelle.

Samantha & Rachelle. :D

Rachelle & Natalie.

A group of us crowding together to figure something out. Though I can't rmb what.

Thats Joyce. Crazy, ain't she? But I (L) her. :D

Okay, we did take somemore pictures for our Christmas outing , but I am kind of lazy to upload them since blogger can be pretty slow. :X
I'll save them for some other time.
LOL. >.<
Okok, So at night, like when we came back we had dinner outside.
Guys paid! :D Hehe.
Apparently its like a return favor for the breakfast.
Then after dinner, Joyce and Ian Oppa went off somewhere. :O
Mikey and Slimy too.
Jonny said he wanted to pass Cloe her present so he brought her somewhere.
Rachelle's boyfriend came to pick her up.
Samantha and Natalie had to leave for another party.
Leaving, Stacy, Shawn, Rmk and I.
So since we've nothing much to do, we walked around. Talked.
And then we went back to the school.
Shawn and Rmk walked Stacy and I back and they left.
When Stace and I got back to out rooms we decided to open some presents.
>.< Couldn't help it! :P
Sat down and started opening them after we got ourselves a cup of hot chocolate.
With marshmallows!!

Here are some presents I recieved. Not all since I haven't got approval from some friends if i can post it up.

Mother sent this Tiffany & Co. necklace over. This year with a card and it says, "Merry Christmas". Rare huh.

Father sent this Juicy Couture necklace. No card or call.

Super super super cute gift from Rachelle and Samantha.

Christmas cards!! >.< Love them. The red one was from Mikey. The blue one and the box of HANDMADE chocolate was from Cloe. :D

Pink roses. Left outside the room on Christmas morning.
Never stated who sent it. O.O Weird.

Make-up from Jonny.<3 ( Don't ask why this has a border. LOL. I started putting borders for my pictures and slowly it got tiring so i stopped. )

MAC make-up palette from Slimy! (L)

From Natalie. Thanks baby. :D

From Shawn. Thanks! Its really pretty. :D

Agnes b. necklace from Rmk. Thanks.

Dior cell phone accessory from Mikey. (L)

Jill Stuart gift set.

Content of Jill Stuart makeup gift set, Coffret D'or and Luna Sol Limited edition makeup from Cloe, Stacy and Joyce. (L)

Agnes b. charm bracelet from Ian Oppa. :D

Okay, am getting tired from the posting of photos. :X Gonna have an abrupt end here.
Ending off with a picture of Sissy and I.

Me & Nicole Sissy. :D

With Love and Regrets,

p.s, Wish y'all have a early fruitful and happy 2010!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
3:23 AM
Everytime we try to fix the pieces back, it never looks the same.
Sometimes I feel like running away from love like a child, scared, running from a clown.

Hello Everyone. (: Its Tiffany.

Felt like blogging. Rare, I know. Haha. Life's been alright. Skipping class for abit. =X
Shawn's ditching class with me whole of this week. Thank you!
Clo's been with Jonny for quite abit these days. I'm happy for her. Finding that one guy that cares so much. (:
Mikey's with Slimey as usual. No surprise here. LOL.
Joyce's with Ian. Oppa! You better treat her well. >.< Stacy's been hanging with me. <3 BFF. But well, she still has Piano, Violin etc. Glad all my friends have had what they'd always wanted. Last long hun(s). ♥

Joyce hun, regarding your post before mine... I don't know what to say. But baby, thank you. For being there for me. Through that day. That dreadful day i told myself to give up. You were with me, together with Stace, Clo, Mikey. You know, I love you to bits and pieces! >.<

Ian oppa, to your post on your blog. Thank you. For being so brotherly. For reprimanding me for stupid things I do, but always try to do it tenderly. For always giving me that awkward hug after sessions and sessions of telling me " I am not scolding you. But you have to be more selfish. ". But oppa, selfish, I am. I just don't be selfish when it comes to this, alrights? * hugs * Thank you oppa. Alot. Really.

I've never thought I was so weak as to give up.
For the better good of everyone's life, i give up.
I am sorry, I really am. For lying to myself and for lying to you.
I guess like how everyone sees us, we're simply star-crossed lovers with no means in our lifetime to be together.
Just remember what i told you that night, under the stars.
The promises we made.
Just remember that of me, and nothing else.
Though, i thank you, for being you.
I still am glad I know you.

Ending of the short post with a photo. (:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
3:06 AM

It's Joyce here.

Sometimes I just wonder..
If time would ever slow down it's pace, will I then be able to catch up?

Many things come and go,

Pass by,
and sometimes, when we don't hold on tight to the things we cherish with all our heart,
it will move on and leave you behind.
Hurt. Wounded. Unprotected.
But that's life.

That's why I've been telling her,
"Cherish what you have and live for yourself, for just this once."
Wasn't this the reason why we had ran away in the first place?
But you, it seems to be your nature that you sacrifice everything,
till you have nothing left.

I may sound as if I'm encouraging you to be selfish.
But that's how it goes to protect yourself from getting hurt all the time.

I understand, you feel you have interfered enough, it's time you should leave.
But that's not true. It's not. Because you didn't interfere with anything.
It just that you met the right person, at just the wrong time.

You feel as if you have disappointed a great friend.
I know, to have someone else that is close to you like the same person,
It's fucked up and wrong.
But do you think just by hiding all your true feelings, it can save everyone from misery?
No, it can't.
Because when you try to hide it the more I feel angry at myself.
I ask myself,
Why is it that you're protecting me from feeling sad when you are the one who needs all the protection?
Why do you have to put on that fake smile when you just don't feel like smiling?
Why is it that you have to be so protective against other people and not let your real emotions overwhelm you?
Why is it that you have to cover up all the wounds in your heart to protect the people you love?
Because that's not how it goes. It's just wrong to do that.

When facing the people you love, the people you trust, you are supposed to be real.
Because if you do that, that's not love.
That's just pretence.
Because you feel with your heart, and not your brain.
Not your brain that will slowly plan out and weigh out the rights and wrongs.
There's no right or wrong in love.

I'm telling this all to you because I love you.
I love you a lot, Tiffany.

You want everyone to just be ignorant and ignore how you feel.
You know its impossible because we all care.
We all do. I miss you. The real you.
The one that will cry at the slightest things.
The one who will cry at the smallest things.
The one who will cry when they watch a single part of a korean drama.
The one with tears.

I can remember,
When I was abandoned, alone and afraid,
You were the one.
You made me realise how great it felt to be loved and cherished by someone.

That I was actually of an importance.
That I actually was placed somewhere in your heart.
That I played a part in your life.
But it ended so early,
Too little to late.
You three-lettered bastard.

12:52 AM
If my little incident with K. has made anyone upset, i will tell everyone here and now.


If I have made anyone upset, I will repeat this again, DO NOT love RMK.
Anything that I have said anytime before, pls don't take it to account.
Sorry if anyone is deeply upset over this.

Sry. To you.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
10:01 PM
Hello. (L)

Cloe here! I think I am going to audition for a musical :D Tiffany, Stacy, Joyce, Mikey and Ian, Jonny and Kea are all rooting for me! Thank you! (L)

Well anyway, I think I'm going to get a new snail. (: Because Casey, my first snail, is sick I think. She's going to pass away soon. Sighh. She won a lot of races for me too. I don't want another case like Nathan. ): We all miss him a lot and nothing will ever be the same without him.

Jonny's going to take me Christmas shopping! (L)oves. I want to get a new manicure on the way too. This pink is too pale for me. (: If I can get a picture, I'll try and post it here. The air here is very awkward. Ian and Joyce are acting really cute! (: And something else happened with Tiffany, but I don't think I should post it here. Oh, something happened with Kea too. I wonder what?

I don't know what else to type. Thank you for reading this random post. :D


P.S. You are going to be sooo happy! T+K=4EVA
5:43 AM
Hey (:
Ian blogging here.
It's amazing how I'm not blogging on my own blog but on Tiffany's blog.
I guess it's because blogger auto-logged this email in. (I'm using Tiffany's PINK laptop)
And how I'm so very lazy to log into my account.
How have you guys in Singapore been?
It's quite great here, though I'm not actually staying with the girls.
I'm staying at my dad's investment property.
It's not really for permanent stay, so I'll have to move out in a few weeks. O:

I've been catching up with the girls and guys.

Tiffany definitely grew taller.
She'll be very smug when she reads this post.
And she's back from the bathroom, right beside me.
She's looking right at the line.
She smiled and walked away.
Stupid girl (:

Okay, yes.
And you have no idea what torture had they brought me through.
Shopping after shopping after shopping.
Stacy even tried to convince me that manicures can help me dance and basketball better.
You have no idea, seriously.

Cloe's been showing me her collection of snails.
It's quite amazing how a girl can actually touch it and care for it, and not be afraid or threatened by it.
And actually, snail racing wasn't as lame as I expected to be.
As a matter of fact, it's entertaining.

Talked to the guys the other day.
We talked the whole night away.
Then I realised how much I've been missing out on while I was in Singapore.

I should come here more often.
It's great to be able to drink and fool around with people you know since forever. (I sound like Tiffany, it's weird)

It's been quite an enjoyable trip.
I don't even feel like going back home. (:
I'll show you guys a few photos, of obviously, me.
This blog has never had the face of IANCOUTURE.
So I will bombard this place with my face.

Look behind the good-looking guy to find Tiffany being vain infront of the camera.

And Joyce. Look at how bored she is.
Obviously, I was bored too.
Looking at Mikey, Tiffany and Cloe change clothes to and fro, for around 4000 times isn't anyone's idea of "fun" or "entertaining".

Oh, and since you guys have been so awesome, I'm gonna dig out all the ugly photos of the girls from this computer and post it. You guys are in for a feast :D:D:D
(They are going to screw me all over, but it's okay, for the entertainment of this, I will sacrifice myself for your entertainment)
Thank me, thank me. :D
It's amazing how it's pimple-free, I guess how she always goes around putting on her facial mask at 12midnight isn't all for nothing.
I think she'll kill me for seeing this on the blog.
But TIFFANY! You can't delete this okay ):
She's actually quite cute la, right? *laughs to myself*

Can you guys guess who is this?
Me neither.
I didn't really know who was it until I saw the name of this photo.
Yes, It's Joyce.
So fierce for what?
Did Cloe's snail eat your eyeliner or something?

And finally this one, the award winning piece.
Whatthefuck were you doing at my house?
I didn't even know this was shot.
But, she still looks retarded (:
Nice handphone strap by the way.
And cool eyes. *HAHAHAHAHA*

Okay, I'm lazy to find the others and upload them on blogger that's currently being a bastard.
I should go now.
Have as much fun as I had laughing at the photos.
Okay, I shall do a closure similar to the girls.

Gossip girl (Ian Couture).

No matter what happens,
Even when the sky's falling down,
I'll promise you,
that I'll never let you go.

It's been quite awkward around you.
Sometimes I just wish nothing happened between us, you know.
How we just to joke around with one another.
Laugh at our stupidity.
I miss that.
I miss you.